Introducing K2-65B: Charting the Blueprint Towards Open-Source Artificial General Intelligence

LLM360 Team   |   May 29, 2024

LLM360 is excited to announce several new releases to further our mission enabling community-owned AGI by creating standards and tools to advance the bleeding edge of LLM capability and empower knowledge transfer, research, and development.


The first fully reproducible large language model to outperform Llama 2 70B, using 35% less compute. Trained in two stages, K2-65B has demonstrated on par reasoning and text generation capabilities with strong domain knowledge in medicine, coding, and math. Learn more here and see our technical report here.

The LLM360 Research Suite

A comprehensive set of large language model (LLM) artifacts from Amber-7B, CrystalCoder-7B, and K2-65B models for academic and industry researchers to explore LLM training dynamics. Learn more here.

The LLM360 Developer Suite

A series finetuning and inference tutorials to Amber-7B, CrystalCoder-7B, and K2-65B models for tech enthusiasts, AI practitioners and academic or industry who are interested in general model usage or downstream task evaluation and research. Learn more here.

The LLM360 Pretraining Suite

A series of step-by-step guides to reproduce Amber-7B, CrystalCoder-7B, and K2-65B models for tech enthusiasts, AI practitioners and academic or industry researchers to transfer knowledge on LLM pretraining techniques. Learn more here.

The LLM360 Model Performance and Evaluation Collection

A robust large language model evaluation suite consisting of general and domain specific evaluations to assess model knowledge and function. Learn more here.

Please reach out with any feedback or questions to

The LLM360 Team